Proof of concept

The working title for my next writing project is “Gym Rules”.

I’ve started with an easy one. Do let me know what you think:

All starting points are equally valid:

Walking into a gym for the first time can be daunting, especially if you don’t know where to start. 

If any or all of the items listed below are running through your head, pick one and begin: 

Moving more

Moving further 

Moving faster

Lifting more 






Showing up

Organising your week

Meal planning

Organising your life

The next time a coach asks you. What would you like coaching on today? Accept the first thing that comes to your mind, begin, and continue doing what comes next. 

Pretty soon, you will have a much better idea of the order that you want to put things in, but to get started deal with what’s in front of you.

Maxim from Improv Wisdom