In the market

I’m in the market for a coach to teach me to do a kettlebell swing, a hinge movement. I’m at the start of my journey, with no clue what it takes. What type of coach do I see?

A strength coach would say get stronger. A kettlebell swing would be a lot easier if you are stronger. At the other end of the spectrum, an endurance-biased coach is not interested when you are tired, only when you are done.

If a coach has done their homework they will organised their coaching principles into an order, a hierarchy, strength before endurance, one good kettlebell swing before you do 10. And perhaps even thought past the main ingredients into the recipe itself. 

Since the body is sensory. The information going in needs to be as good as the information going out. Crap in, crap out. 

So what’s the answer?

Last night I made chickpea curry and although the first word is chickpea, I didn’t start with it. The more I understand the ingredients, and the order in which they work best, the better I understand the recipe. And that makes me more confident of the result. 

So the answer? It depends. On you.