In the presence of a coach

There are three types of coaches in youth sports. 

The anxious shouty coach who is living in the future. She can not see her kids ever making it unless she doubles down on the instructions.

The dejected coach who is living in the past. He can’t let go of how his kids never seem to listen to him. Every session he has ever put on has ended in frustration. He has tried everything.

Then there is the coach who seems to have all the time in the world. What is up with that? Do they even care?

What to do for the best can feel overwhelming. When we look back we can’t help but wonder if we are wasting our time. And in looking forward we have no idea where our efforts will take us.

Here is a framework to remind you that the work you do is not urgent. It is important. 

Between the ages of 9 and 12. Year 4 to Year 6/7. There is a large window of opportunity. Kids are rapidly laying down neural foundations. One connection after the other, to join the dots. 

Not every skill needs to appear overnight

Not every challenge needs to be perfect. 

Not every pass will go to their teammate. 

The work of development is ongoing. So get out of their way. Those 3 years are not for your kids. They are for you. 

Your challenge is to find a way to build a light framework for your kids to play and discover. 

Your job is to detach yourself from the outcome, since predicting it makes you anxious. 

And to show up putting your best foot forward, since we can do nothing about the past. 

Your gift for these efforts? Being present with your kids. A gift you should not waste.