Sheep dog or cat herder?

A friend of mine is getting into coaching. He wanted to know who I work with. 

“I work with people who want to be coached.” I replied.

Towards the end of our catch up he began telling me about a meeting he had recently set up. A leadership group from within his company were to receive a keynote speech from a famous sports coach.

I wanted to know how the group had been formed. Selection. Which is not extraordinary in sport or work.

Would I like to meet the speaker?

“No, thanks. I know enough sheep dogs.” Came the reply. 

When people work in exchange for a monthly wage. Compliance is on the table. Workplace (including sport) coaches are sheep dogs.

Sheep dogs become cat herders when they treat people as volunteers. And it is within that space the extraordinary can happen.

The world has plenty of sheep dogs. We could do with a few more cat herders.