Teeth and taglines

“If you don’t brush your teeth then they will turn green and fall out.”

What’s up with that I asked. “I want them to be the best they can be. They need teeth in their head.” came the reply. 

Shifting the responsibility to our kids is the change. The less we are involved the better. Provided the kids use toothpaste, brush in circles, brush the back of their teeth, brush their tongue and then floss. Oh! And clean up after themselves. 

The change is coming in bitesize chunks. In our house at least. 

At the time, of the green teeth warning, I was downstairs writing about kids moving from being a mouth breather to a nasal breather. 

If you don’t breathe through your nose then………… your upper jaw won’t develop properly, the dentist will probably end up ripping out some of your teeth, make you wear a brace, your bite will be wonky, you might have sleeping difficulties, anxiety, compromised airway, postural issues, and the structure of your face will be different. 

I need a punchier tagline.