If I’m paying it’s urgent

The attraction of going online to coach is clear. No more face-to-face interactions where clients might let you down – whether it’s not showing up, complaining about the traffic, or not doing what you ask them to do.

Online, on your sofa, on the beach. If you’re wasting time, it’s your own, not mine. And best of all it scales.

I know coaches who spend a lot of money on one thing: someone to explain the difference between what is important and urgent, and what is important but not urgent. All the money has done is focussed your attention on what was important but not urgent (systems).

My only hope is that you can recoup your investment and pass on what you’ve learned to your own clients. That way, you’ll both avoid reacting to the latest news, drama, or crisis that washes up on your shores.

I wish you well.