I thought I’d show you a copy of my weekly email that I send out to those who have subscribed to receive it.
Each week I share the things that I’ve been pondering, caught my eye, or simply enjoyed being a part of.
No nonsense. No spam. Just one email each week. You can sign up here.
When it comes to training gains which is it? Nature or Nurture.
“Look at a loaf of bread and I put a kilo on.”
“I’m too old to put muscle on now.”
“I’m built for speed, not endurance.”
You get the idea. The hand we are dealt plays a big part, but how big no one really knows. What we do know is that placebo, positive thinking, and the willingness to surprise ourselves, have the power to change what we think.
I’m not sure you need to believe in God to believe that the serenity prayer is worth repeating:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.“
I’m going to leave you with a question:
What separates you from what you want? It’s a hell of a question, and one Lins asked my eldest Ellie, last week.
Have a great week.
P.S. I can’t remember who sent me the link for this video, but if you like mountain biking, the Outer Hebrides, and people finding their voice, you’ll love this. Enjoy.
Come along for the ride.